I’m Nathan Blanchette, owner of Cemetery Lettering Service Inc. I’ve been involved in onsite lettering since I was a child but it wasn’t until 2001 where I decided to make it my career. That’s when I got serious about learning everything there was to know and went full time as an apprentice under my father, Guy Blanchette.

I worked under my father for nearly 7 years until in 2007 when I went out full time on my own and have been at it ever since.

This trade takes years of experience to confidently produce work that’s both consistent and up to the standard of quality that every grieving family deserves. Don’t just trust anyone who makes empty promises or is unable to show you an extensive body of work that shows consistency, font matching ability and a range of different styles of completed memorials.

Our Values



I know this is very important to families who have lost loved ones, this is also important to me. I have a promise of completion timeline that I would be happy to share, just reach out and I can give you the details.


This is a HUGE one for me. I believe this is a trait that is severely lacking in everything from business to personal relationships. I hold this value above all others and everyone that knows me can attest.


This isn’t like any other service out there, grieving families deserve to have comfort in knowing that there loved ones memorial will be done right.